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Chinese translation for "required value"


Related Translations:
rqr require:  要求
requires melee:  需要近战40
required subjects:  必修科目
required lift:  需用升力
required pressure:  需用压力
required force:  需用力
required thrust:  需要推力
heat required:  所需热量
stamduty required:  未贴印花
required courses:  必修课程
Example Sentences:
1.The following table lists the arguments and their required values
2.This value is a required value if you are using a remote smtp server or forwarder
3.Sql server will return an error that lists all set options that violate the required values
Sql server将返回一个错误消息,该错误消息会列出所有违反所需值的set选项。
4.All of the required values are passed to the axis runtime in the form of a file with the extension . wsdd
所有所需的值以文件(扩展名为. wsdd )的形式被传递给axis运行时。
5.The terrain library has a set of functions to deal with this problem . the following variables were defined to store the required values
6.One is to use a jsp - base administration application that lets you specify all of the required values through a user interface
7.Ansi nulls is one of seven set options that must be set to required values when dealing with indexes on computed columns or indexed views
Ansi _ nulls是在处理计算列或索引视图的索引时必须设置为所需值的七个set选项之一。
8.You set a message s body and properties programmatically , either by setting property values in the properties window or by setting the required values in code
9.It is observed that the numerical results corporate well with the data monitored , and the bearing capability and settlement of foundation consolidated gets to the required values
10.The required values are provided by the sdkvars . bat batch file located in one of the following directories , depending on whether you installed microsoft visual studio 2005
根据是否安装了microsoft visual studio 2005 ,所需的值由位于以下目录之一的sdkvars . bat批处理文件提供:
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